A Note From Chris - December 8, 2022

This week, our staff and elders had a Christmas party, and it was just incredible to celebrate and think about the many, many ways I’m so thankful for our church. It also made me think about the fact that I believe this Christmas is an important one in our church’s life. Every Christmas holds a special place. But this is the first year in several years that we have no COVID restrictions and limited concerns with the virus.

I hope you are praying for and having conversations with your Ones. Statistically, Christmas is still one of the best times to have spiritual conversation and offer invitation to friends and family to join you at church. Your personal conversations are likely to have the longest impact in a person’s life, as the Holy Spirit goes before you. To help with those relationships, there are two big church events to make sure you are tuned into this year:

1. The Bash!

If you haven’t yet planned to be at The Bash, you should seriously reconsider! This event is on campus in Shiloh THIS Friday night (TOMORROW) from 6-9pm. There are so many different things happening all over campus for all ages. Personally, I’m excited to help host a talent show from 7-8pm, which is already full of some incredible talent! There are lots of activities for kids and adults alike. This entire event is designed to give you an outlet to invite your neighbors, friends, and family to join you for a great night of fun and introduction to Cornerstone. If you are able to serve, there are various roles still being filled (click here for serving information). If you are unable to attend, please be praying that The Bash is a great first step for many folks in our community this year.

2. Christmas at Cornerstone!

Our Christmas services will be 12/23 and 12/24. This year, we have 6 service options and are planning for a meaningful and worshipful celebration of the birth of Jesus. Again, this is a great time to invite families to join you. Take a look at the various service times and make plans accordingly. My suggestion is to pick a time for you or your family and then begin asking folks who may not have a church home to join you. Cornerstone Kids is running full programming for birth-5th grade, and are preparing a very creative and exciting program for our kids ministry. Our Creative Arts team has been working for months toward a powerful worship experience. I can’t wait to worship with you at Christmas this year.

Note: Sunday, December 25th will be an On Demand online experience only (no in person worship services). I’ll be hosting a service with devotions from multiple staff members and other worship elements. Our hope is that you will worship wherever you are and with whoever you are with on Christmas day. Perhaps an uncle or cousin or someone will join you for worship as you worship at the time that works best for you that day.

This Sunday, we continue in our Christmas At the Movies series with the classic: A Charlie Brown Christmas. I’m excited to see you Sunday in person or online.

Yours and His,
Chris VandeLinde

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